Small business's favorite project management software
Manage Your Work and Projects
Collaborate with Your Team and Clients
  • Run your business on Multidone, organize your work with our platform
  • Add unlimited projects/workspaces
  • No per-user fees
  • Create tasks, assign them, and get things done
  • Engage in group and private chats
  • Invite your clients to any projects you create
  • Upload files without the need to use other platforms
  • Create documents/notes for knowledge base, how-to guides, and instructions
  • Team calendar for organized scheduling
  • View project timelines for a clear overview
  • No third-party tracking or data mining
  • Your sensitive data is stored securely in an encrypted format (not in plaintext!)
  • And more...
Create Projects or Team Spaces
Track Project Progress
Customize Your Projects with a Variety of Blocks
Invite your Whole Company
Work with Clients
One platform, for everything..
Save time and costs

Timeline view
Private messaging
Team collaboration
Client access
Tasks, Kanban and List view
Team Calendar
File storage
Group chat, docs, and discussions
And more
Privacy By Default
We focus on building the product, not on the data
No data mining
No tracking ever
Data encryption

Join 3000+ companies love Multidone
Try it free

No credit card required